Category Business insights & trends

High Tech & Petrolheads at MSP Global 2023

  What do racing fans and Managed Service Providers (MSPs) have in common? Perhaps not a lot at first glance, or is it? The answer to this question was found at the legendary Nürburgring from November 14th – 16th, 2023…. Continue Reading →

Leave the past behind and look for the good things on the horizon

  A look back at 2022 and the top IT trends for 2023 The new year has already arrived, but it is not too late to reflect on the past year. Honestly, I have no idea why this is so… Continue Reading →

Right-to-Repair – Extended longevity, less e-waste

  Society is (finally) standing up against the throwaway economy. Smartphones are notably in the spotlight, as they are particularly harmful to the environment due to the rare earths they contain. That is why environmental organisations like the Right-to-repair movement… Continue Reading →

What´s cool in cold storage?

  When you look at the fundamentals of technology, the most vital piece is data and access to it in a timely manner. We continue to generate huge amounts of data at an ever-increasing rate and our businesses and daily… Continue Reading →

2022 Vision: Chips, Gaia-X and other things I am pondering over

  I wish you a happy and healthy New Year. I have taken the time between the years to recover from a very challenging 2021 and also pondered over expectations in 2022 and my vision for both our business and… Continue Reading →

Modern Work in post-production: When films are considered IT

The media industry in the 21st century is fully committed to digitalisation: films are shot digitally and often enhanced with virtual reality elements. Now post-production is following suit. Enriched metadata accelerates distributed access to films as well as video sequences… Continue Reading →

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