Immersion cooling in the rack

  Data centers are energy-intensive operations and the majority still rely on electricity generated from fossil fuels to power their hardware and cooling systems. One of the primary concerns for data centres is maintaining an optimal temperature inside to avoid… Continue Reading →

High Tech & Petrolheads at MSP Global 2023

  What do racing fans and Managed Service Providers (MSPs) have in common? Perhaps not a lot at first glance, or is it? The answer to this question was found at the legendary Nürburgring from November 14th – 16th, 2023…. Continue Reading →

Leave the past behind and look for the good things on the horizon

  A look back at 2022 and the top IT trends for 2023 The new year has already arrived, but it is not too late to reflect on the past year. Honestly, I have no idea why this is so… Continue Reading →

Right-to-Repair – Extended longevity, less e-waste

  Society is (finally) standing up against the throwaway economy. Smartphones are notably in the spotlight, as they are particularly harmful to the environment due to the rare earths they contain. That is why environmental organisations like the Right-to-repair movement… Continue Reading →

MACH.2 Multi-Actuator Hard Drives – Rivalling SSD speeds at only a fraction of the cost

  They are considered the fastest hard drives in the world because they do almost reach the performance and throughput of solid-state disks (SSDs): Seagate introduced its MACH.2 Exos 2X14 hard drives about a year ago. Now, the first storage… Continue Reading →

The grand opening of the Mariposa Mountain School or how to disrupt poverty

  When you’re searching for recommended places in the Dominican Republic, Los Marranitos will not appear on that list. It’s a place high up in the mountains (1,039 meters) that enchants its visitors with an incredible tropical and mountain ecology…. Continue Reading →

Edge Computing in digital healthcare

  The digital exchange of medical data saves lives. Because if all professionals involved in treatment can access relevant data simultaneously and process the data in real-time, patients benefit in multiple ways. Their safety increases significantly because human errors such… Continue Reading →

Edge Computing for the SMB/SME – sense or nonsense?

  There are good reasons for moving workloads to the edge: real-time applications do not tolerate latency and data-intensive analytics can quickly have a negative impact on the overall user experience. Not to forget that some companies prefer or are… Continue Reading →

Big Data management for SMBs and SMEs

  PoINT Storage Manager + Yowie Appliances A guest blog post by Dr. Catrin Kersten, PoINT Software & Systems GmbH ‘Big Data’ and the ‘uncontrolled growth of data’ – these buzzwords/phrases quickly bring up petabytes and exabytes. What is becoming… Continue Reading →

High performance computing in automotive engineering

  When the real world merges with mathematical models In the world of automotive engineering, simulations are a central building block for development, testing and production. Today, three-dimensional digital twins (a virtualised model of processes and systems) to optimise factory… Continue Reading →

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